"Laptop: Windows 8, 8.1, 10 11 or any other higher version
Mobile: Android version 7.0 or Above | 3 GB Ram or Above | 32 GB Internal Memory or Above | Not Supported On Motorola Devices
Live At Home will work only on Windows 8.1 or 10,11 or above. (Minimum 10MBPS Speed with Wifi Connection) or Android version 7.0 or higher
please note - Simultaneous login on Android App and Laptop or Desktop is permitted After you log out from the other device. For Eg. If you have activated in Android and now you wish to watch the lectures in Desktop, You just have to Log out of the application in Android and Login in the application in Desktop."
Laptop / Mobile (Live At Home will only work on Laptop with Windows 8.1 or 10 or above. (Minimum 10MBPS Speed with Wifi Connection) or Android version 7.0 or higher)
Laptop: Windows 8, 8.1, 10 11 or any other higher version
Mobile: Android version 7.0 or Above | 3 GB Ram or Above | 32 GB Internal Memory or Above | Not Supported On Motorola Devices